Meri Kirihimete
Tēnā koutou,
What a crazy busy year it’s been but despite COVID and all its challenges it has presented, it’s awesome to see the momentum building in our SYHPANZ mahi.
This year’s highlight for me has been working with Māngai Whakatipu (previously known as the Youth Advisory Group) and seeing them partnering and actively participating in the School Based Health Service (SBHS) Enhancement mahi. Their new name comes from the kupu Hei māngai mo ngā uri whakatipu meaning ‘Representative of the descendants’ or ‘Voices of the future.” We support rangatahi on their journey gaining knowledge of past, present, and future.
Our Workforce Development Project for SBHS is also well underway. Next year you may see or hear from our team as they tour the motu to enable the workforce to share whakaaro and korero about the desired state for our future SBHS workforce.
It has also been exciting to find new ways to include the SYPHANZ members in our mahi with the creation of the SBHS Workforce Subcommittee, and an Events group. Next year we look forward to opportunities for our members voice to influence the future of Youth Health, organising youth health focused events, connecting across the sector(s), and whanaungatanga more with our members and partners to strengthen our journey together.
I wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday break and look forward to catching up in 2023.
Meri Kirihimete
Jess Allen
SYHPANZ Chairperson