The 2022 Annual General Meeting was held via zoom on Tuesday the 9th August at 7.30pm and we thank all those that were able to attend.

As part of the meeting we accepted nominations for Treasurer and General Member(s) to serve as a valuable part of SYHPANZ Executive Committee. SYHPANZ Chairperson Dr Jess Allen presented the Chairpersons’ report which you can read below, and the SYHPANZ treasurer Dr Vicky Shaw presented the Treasurers’ report which was circulated to all those that attended.

We welcomed the new members to the executive board and would like to thank those outgoing members Liz Hosking and Dr Vicki Shaw who have given so generously of their time and their insight into youth health.

SYHPANZ Executive Committee Nominations Received and Accepted:

  • Bridget Farrant
  • Heather Laxon
  • Helke Florkowski
  • Kate Wills
  • Kate ChiTar – Secretary
  • Michael Brenndorfer

Annual General Meeting 2021

Due to the Covid-19 national lockdown, the SYHPANZ Executive Committee met virtually this year.

“Thank you to all those who attended our AGM and for sharing whakaaro and kōrero on our kaupapa.

Very exciting times are ahead and we are keen to ensure everyone on SYHPANZ waka feels a strong connection and participation in the journey ahead.”


*Annual financial report available to current SYHPANZ members upon request.