22 Apr

Involve 2021 dates announced!

INVOLVE 2021 is a national youth health and development conference held in Wellington and online from 9-11 August 2021.

The theme for INVOLVE 2021 focusses on the changes we see approaching the youth sector and for the taiohi of Aotearoa. It also looks at the skills, tools, wisdom and connections we have to meet these changes – including the histories that inform us.

SYHPANZ is proud to be part of this amazing event and will be sharing on our facebook page, our newsletter and this website, to find out more about this years INVOLVE and how this event will support you in your professional development working with youth in Aotearoa!

Although no two INVOLVE events are alike, check out the past INVOLVE events to see what they’re all about https://involve.org.nz/previous-involves